Many health professionals have long considered the Mediterranean diet to be the gold standard. A 2020 series of studies further supports the argument for favoring a nutritious eating style that is based on whole foods.

The researchers reported in Alzheimer’s & Dementia that among 7,756 people, those who followed a more strictly Mediterranean diet had a 45-50% lower risk of cognitive impairment.

List of healthy foods for the mediterranean diet
Is it time to add olive oil to your diet?

The study showed that it is necessary to eat fish twice a week and eat the following foods regularly:

whole grains,
and olive oil.

You should also limit your intake of red meat and alcohol.

Stones in the kidneys
A joint US-Italian study found that the risk of developing a kidney stone was 13% to 41% lower in nearly 200,000 adults who adhered most strictly to the Mediterranean diet guidelines.

Gut studies have shown that following a Mediterranean diet for 1 year helped older people in Europe stop the loss of bacterial diversity in the digestive tract (a common occurrence with aging). And enrich the microbiome with bacteria that cause signs of healthier aging, including lower rates of inflammation and improved mental performance.

Slow down aging
Anyone want a Greek salad yet?

As reported in The Journal of Nutrition, a systematic review and meta-analysis of 14 randomized controlled trials found strong evidence that the traditional Mediterranean diet improves endothelial function. And this is a key aspect in preventing cardiovascular disease and maintaining healthy heart function.